problem with a conversion (mA and microA)

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New Member
Hi. I found this forum while reading the online text book at Very neat.

I've got a math problem that's been driving me nuts for a week now. Is the following correct?
9V/10kOhms = .9mA (wouldn't it be 900microAmps? or is it the same thing?)
or 9/10000=.0009 (4th digit to the right of the decimal is micro territory)
location: Simple parallel circuits : SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS

The reason I ask is because of a similar equation on the previous page:
9V/18kOhms= 500microAmps
or 9/18000=.0005 (again 4th digit to the right of the decimal is this one seems correct)
location: Simple series circuits : SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS

I'm new at all this so maybe I'm just not understanding the conversions correctly.

Any help appreciated,
Nothing to do with electronics, it's VERY basic maths.

Milli is ten to the minus 3, and micro is ten to the minus 6.
Milli (m) = 1/1000 or .001. Micro (µ) = 1/1000000 or .000001, or 1/1000th of a milli.

If you divide by kilo you get milli. So 9V/10K = .9 mA or 900 µA.
Divide by mega you get micro. So 9V/1M = 9µA.
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