Yeah I wish I had videoed it, but it was during break at school. After that it broke (never did find out what was wrong) so I never went about making another.
And in context, I talked with an electrical engineer not too long ago and he made an interesting project when he was a kid. Basically it was a circuit that took 120 VAC from the wall, rectified it and charged a big capacitor with it. The ends of the capacitor were connected to 2 foil pieces, which covered the box that contained the circuit. You would only hold the box from one side and ask someone to hold it. When they did, the cap. discharged through their hands and gave them a nasty jolt. It was all fun and games then, but in reality it was extremely dangerous...those caps hold a LOT of energy and it was discharging through their heart (both hands held one end of the foil)...we had a good laugh about that one.