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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Simple Telephone Central Project

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I caan't open that zip file can you use another format please or simpler compression i use rarzip
I know this is an old post but wtf.

Have you tried 7zip?
You may have noticed this thread is stale. Last posted to in 2007. The OP only posted 3 times and has not been back in quite a while.

He is not going to get your msg.

A example where we could lock (or warn about) a stale thread when the OP is long gone.
Last edited:
You may have noticed this thread is stale. Last posted to in 2007. The OP only posted 3 times and has not been back in quite a while.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk hasn't been around either for quite a while. :D
Since so many people can't seem to unzip these files, here they are. Rename santral.HEX.txt to santral.HEX
I uploaded it this way because a *.HEX cannot be uploaded even though it is a text file anyway. Don't ask me about this project as it belongs to Wasp, who hasn't been here for a long time.


  • Readme-Okubeni.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 667
  • santral.HEX.txt
    2.4 KB · Views: 613
  • Santral.GIF
    9.2 KB · Views: 1,591
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nice work, but can u explain this further because i am desperately looking for project i can embark on for my final year
hi, u have a very good work, but can u explain this for me in simple english like that of santral and abone, and other technical terms
Simple English explanation.


Device is too complex for only one subscriber and Phone Switch Board.
Yes one phone is subscriber and another is Switch Board.
When subscriber pick up phone, buzzer start ringing and when Phone switch board pick up phone , buzzer stop buzz and conversation can start. End conversation when any part in this situation hang phone.

For me and such limited functionality this is too much complex unnecessary
circuit. (Why use PIC it is possible solve in both way only much more simple).
You may have noticed this thread is stale. Last posted to in 2007. The OP only posted 3 times and has not been back in quite a while.

He is not going to get your msg.

A example where we could lock (or warn about) a stale thread when the OP is long gone.

this is my own project. if you cannot create something dont talk about creators.
hi, u have a very good work, but can u explain this for me in simple english like that of santral and abone, and other technical terms

Santral: central
Abone: Subscriber

ATX sarı uç: AT computers power supply yellow wire (+12V)
ATX siyah uç: AT computers power supply black wire (GND)
ATX kırmızı uç: AT computers power supply red wire (+5V)

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