Pull My Hair out, Optical Tachometer - PIC16F628A

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I'm using my own PCB I made for just the PIC, 7805, and LCD, with a 2K pot on the lcd contrast pin. I made the PCB layout based on your edit from this:

**broken link removed**

Same connections as this, only there is no reset button, no sensor line, and no memory button. I have a 10 pin header with all the wires of the LCD lined up in order as well(1-6,11-14), then a 2 pin header for LCD backlight for 15&16.

This is getting a little crazy, but if you want to keep trying I'm up for it.

I know its a pain, but since you have relaid out the PCB can we have a picture of both sides of the PCB.?

I double checked the program and the wiring diagram, looks OK.

You can a free trial download of the Oshonsoft IDE, its about 28 trial days or 30 start ups.
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Sure, I'm getting the pictures sent to me now.

Yes it is getting crazy. I made this board as suggested to get away from the project board as it may have had noise problems. Hopefully it will end up being something simple. I'll post the pictures in just a few minutes.

Thanks for sticking with this and trying to help me keep my sanity.
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Ok, here's the pictures. First picture is of the eagle pcb. The other 2 pictures are of the board. You will notice on the board I ended up doing jumpers over some things instead of going between pins like on the eagle layout. No overlapping wires are touching on the bottom. I put small wooden feet on the bottom of the board to prevent anything like that.

EDIT: Looking at the pin assignments vs the datasheet it appears I have the following:
1 -> GND
2 -> +5v
3 -> 10K Pot
4 -> Pin3/RA4 with +5v on 4.7k
5 -> GND
6 -> Pin9/RB3
11 -> Pin17/RA0
12 -> Pin18/RA1
13 -> Pin1/RA2
14 -> Pin2/RA3

I noticed in the different codes I've used they all point to PORTB. Yet this pin layout and all the ones I've been using are on RA* pins. Is this the problem?


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The circuit looks correct.
You should have a 100nF cap across the PIC power pins as close as possible to the PIC
The 10 way connector looks OK.

I cannot see the LCD pcb, do you have a pic.?

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No I don't have a pic right off hand. It's this LCD from digikey: Digi-Key - 67-1758-ND (Manufacturer - LCM-S01602DSF/A)
Here's the datasheet: https://www.electro-tech-online.com/custompdfs/2010/03/LCM-S01602DSF20A.pdf

The pins are in order on the pcb layout. Pin 1 is on the right: 1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14
The other 2 pins to the left are the anode/kathode.

These are the connections:
1 -> GND
2 -> +5v
3 -> 10K Pot
4 -> Pin3/RA4 with +5v on 4.7k
5 -> GND
6 -> Pin9/RB3
11 -> Pin17/RA0
12 -> Pin18/RA1
13 -> Pin1/RA2
14 -> Pin2/RA3

I don't know if you saw my edit above, but I noticed the data pins are all connected to the RA* pins. Isn't the code calling for PORTB?
I have all the documentation for most LCD's, its an actual picture of the way you have connected it.

Tomorrow I will build the 628A with an LCD configured the same way as yours and try that.
I'll post an actual picture of the whole setup running and showing the display as well as the connections.

Thanks for trying it, hopefully we can get the problem sorted out.
dustin, as you see the LCD panel from the top ( able to see the screen).
the counting 1 to 16 starts from left to right . a part diagram from datasheet attached
but how do you count 1,2 etc from left?
are you seeing from bottom ?


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On the actual lcd pcb I cam counting from the left side at 1. My board is marked on the back which pin is 1 and which is 16. I know they are in order.

On the images I posted of my pic pcb board the header pins start from the right at 1.
On the actual lcd pcb I cam counting from the left side at 1. My board is marked on the back which pin is 1 and which is 16. I know they are in order.

On the images I posted of my pic pcb board the header pins start from the right at 1.
one simple doubt, Dustin B !!
whether you have directly used the HEX from the link you provided, or did you use the pbp basic and compile for getting hex code.
if you did later, i fear, at the time of programming you need to change the config settings to ensure that internal clock with port pis as Io is to be selected, before programing the derived hex into the chip
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I was using the last actual hex file Eric Posted, I was only looking at the basic file to see what the program was supposed to do.

Using his hex file I hooked up an led/resistor with some alligator clips and connected it to PIN13/RB7, it blinks as it should so the chip is programmed right I'm guessing.

I know what you're saying, if everything seems to be right and it's not working then something has to be wrong. Likely something I believed was right.

I'll post a picture of the LCD hooked up shortly, I'll get the girlfriend to take another picture.

I tried what you said Eric, about the 2.2K resistor instead of the 4.7K on pin 3 of the pic. Apparently the 4.7k resistor was dropping the voltage too much to get the signal through.

I did it on the project board and it worked, then I desoldered and replaced the one on my pic pcb board and it worked there as well.

I can't believe I have been trying to get this to work for 3 weeks, and you guys helping me for over 1, then it turns out to be something like this.

I knew, at least most of the time, I had everything connected right and the programs worked. I can't believe the schematics all called for a 4.7k and it was actually too much.

Now for the learning part if you guys don't mind. I know the resistor limits the voltage/current on the line. How was the 4.7K figured to be the right resistor for it? Why did it turn out to be too much? Would there be an easy way to have tested for this problem?

I'm so relieved it works. Now I can finally build this circuit and get the tachometer going. Hopefully I can at least learn a lesson from this. I know I did further my knowledge of PIC's & LCD's as well.

Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it. You went above and beyond what I was hoping for. I know it was getting frustrating at times.
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hi dustin,
I have found a wide variation in the response time of this type of LCD, especially the earlier production models.
On some projects/products one LCD work and another would not, thats why I never use the LCD with R/W pin grounded. Any delays you have in the program have to be long enough to cope for the 'slowest' LCD that you may use.
I read from the LCD, D7, the BUSY signal, to check when the LCD is ready for the next data/command byte.
This can have the effect of 'speeding' up the program as whole as the program can minimise the delay wait period.

The 4k7 resistor would pull up the RS pin slightly slower than a 2k2 which could cause a edge delay problem.

Pleased to hear the good news, saves me a job today building your project.

I would recommend that you 'beef' up the track widths on the 0V lines and the +Vsupply tracks. Add the 100nF to the PIC power pins.
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You have had hard times . but, a I had the same values and it worked for me. !! we need to thank Erricgibbs for his constant support and even he too was almost ready to make a duplicate rig to test why it fails.
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Thanks for the explanation Eric.

By the way Sarma, I was going to ask. If you don't mind, could you post the eagle schematic and board files for the last layout you did?

I wanted to edit some values on the components. I'm going to try and build the tachometer board over the next few days and see if I can finally get this optical tachometer finished.
happy to share them and they were made for serving you. as theay are a set of files, perhaps it is better to send zipped. unfortunately zip format is not permitted here
you may pm me your email address i shall send forthwith.
happy to share them and they were made for serving you. as theay are a set of files, perhaps it is better to send zipped. unfortunately zip format is not permitted here
you may pm me your email address i shall send forthwith.

hi Sarma,
The Forum posts accept zipped file attachments.
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