Record Signal (IR from pin)

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Well-Known Member
Ok i have some pulses i want to record. Lets say i have

00110010 0001 0010

How can i collect data for at least 500mS like that?

I want to collect info like is the pin high or low. Then for how long is it high or low. Somewhat like a logic. Any thoughts? I tried to use the logic analyzer with pickit but it doesnt seem to give me stable results.

I want to read the data from a remote controll. Its a Magnavox TV but no universal remote seems to work for it. So im trying to create my own by copying the data out from the pin used to controll the Infared LED. This way i can get straight data instead of trying to capture via infared i capture using output pin from remotes IC and input from pic.

Please some thoughts on how to set this up would rock.

I havent been working with pics lately due to some personal issues. But i have some time now.

I have plenty of pics around such as some:

almost any of those should be enough i assume. The 4620 should have enough space to store large data amounts. If not i can setup a external mem card (SD) and do a raw right easily.

Please any help would be appreciated ... thanks a ton!
If you try and record it from the LED in the remote, you're recording the 38KHz carrier - use an IR reciever IC and record the data directly from the output of that, the PICKit2 analyser should be perfect for doing so.
I've used the Junebug LA tool to easily collect IR data and display it. As long as the Magnavox's IR is around 38kHz it should work.
A small program to relay the IR pin to RB6 or 7 should do it. If you want the super simple way jumper your Junebugs IR output pin to PGC, PGD or Aux.

LOL Nigel beat me by one minute!
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the issue is i thinks its irDA. My remote can also controll my xbox 360. So not sure what it is lol i tried the LA tool for the pickit with no luck meaning i get different results for the same button
I think its a RC6 or NEC. Here is a PNG of data i got.


  • power.png
    24.4 KB · Views: 213

awesome i have all the parts! ill plan to make it with a max232 or max232 and run off of 5v plug tho. ill build in a little but later and take photos and results later thanks!


Do you think i can just use a 7805 and power from RTS on serial?

I based the about edit on:
**broken link removed**
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give me like 3 minutes to draw a schematic of what im planning to do itll be fun lol


Bill you are correct but as i dont have any Zener diodes available i cannot use it. i have to make a work around
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nice! but i have to include the 12F629 now here is my rough draft.



  • ir.jpg
    19.3 KB · Views: 709
Hey i gota step out for a while. Friend is back from hospital ill finish this later on . But here is a sample.

Test of power. There is a diode there but its behind the 7805 so you might not see it:


  • test01.jpg
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ARG! i tried the schematic attached but no luck. The application says no data recieved.



  • ir3.jpg
    27.2 KB · Views: 549
i just did but a 10uf since no 47uf is avail. i might get one today from local source. but still no luck.
The only thing i can thing of is ... How can this pic drive RS232 levels using 5v+ only? I thought it would have needed 12v+ and 12v- to work?

should i add a max232 to the equation? i have a nice board ready for it.
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The only thing i can thing of is ... How can this pic drive RS232 levels using 5v+ only? I thought it would have needed 12v+ and 12v- to work?

RS232 works quite happily from 0-5V, all you need for an RS232 interface to a PIC is a single resistor, and that's only for the receive side. You can't use the hardware UART though, only a software one - as a MAX232 inverts the signal.
oh cool. But for some reason this still doesnt seem to be working. So i will try my best to create a program to capture about 200mS - 500ms of data and sent to PC.

Anythoughts on which is best for this ASM or C?

Also where should i start with this? Should i look into that capture feature of many pics? or should i do it manuall by testing if a pin is high then using a timer to calc how long it was high for. Then having 2 variable arrays which can store data.

I get lost fast lol. I have a old project somewhere around i gota look for it lol
You might be having bit rate matching problems. Look up Nigel's tutorials I think he has software UART code there. There should be plenty of software UART code out there for C as well, all you need is a calibrated delay loop.
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