Record Signal (IR from pin)

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Got it this is my RC6 Power Button


  • RC6Off.png
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Our Start Headers are similar but the data is quiet different lol

The funny thing with RC5/6, because of the bi-phase modulation even a minor change can look very different - be interesting to work out the actual binary value of each.
yeah lol i did a test of most of my remote buttons... attached is png's of a few. I have one png saved as 4x zoom so i can see the timing better.


    112.4 KB · Views: 115
it shouldnt be hard to decode. Just so tired lol Ill get to it in a bit
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ok its harder than i thought. I cant figure where the Leader ends and data begins and that trailer bit omg lol such a head ache. I rather get the logic tool lol
nice! but i have to include the 12F629 now here is my rough draft.

The serial port can't provide much power so the 7805 reduces the power available to the rest of the circuit by quite a bit. The zener regulator was used to allow maximum power to the PIC and IR sensors. If you don't have a 5.1V zener, a blue (or white) and green (or yellow) LED can be used as a crude shunt regulator. See this Instructable for an IR Widget derived circuit that uses LEDs for voltage regulation.

The schematic you have drawn does not allow mode selection because only one handshake line is used for power. The mode is determined by the power up sequence of the RTS and DTR lines. RTS before DTR is time mode, and DTR before RTS is count mode. Time mode is used for IR demod modules as show in your schematic. This is not the default of the sofware, so it must be changed or no data will be received by the software.

If you want the most accurate timing info, a pulse detector like the QSE15x or just an ordinary 950 nm IR LED is a better choice than a demod module.

IR demod modules usually skew the on/off durations by an unpredictable amount. Some are optimized to minimize the asymmetry. RC5/RC6 will work best with 36 kHz modules intended for use with bi-phase/Manchester protocols. They have minimal on/off asymmetry.
Thanks ill take a look at it.
Dude for your first post you are starting good! nice work
I gota check my LEDs lol if i dont have the proper leds can i use a couple in series to create the proper drop?
heh this will never work for me. I know i have it all setup correctly. Ive dont harder things than this. For some reason it doesnt work so heh forget this. Ill wait untill i order my Logic and be happy then.
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