running cd-rom motor with ac line supply

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can I run a CD rom motor with three phase line ac supply, 220 v/phase, step down to 9 volt by using three single phase transformers with wyne configuration, ... actually I tried and the cd-rom motor (9 pole) ran but with slower speed (I think)) and the stator got hot ... Also it is said in a post that cd rom motors are optimized for trapezoidal waveform rather the sinusoidal (i.e. mainline wave-form)... Can I get precise RPM i.e. 2250/mt from 9-pole cd-rom motor by 50 cycles/sec, three phase (step down) ac supply ...
It is possible, but as you said, the motor get hot. That is because when normally driven, the voltage alpplied increases with increasing speed.
50hZ is gives pretty low speed, and should be regulated down to just a few volts. Nine volts is just too much for most CD roms motors in that speed.
It should be easy enough to do with just a resistor on each phase wire. However this will also reduce motor torque.

What are you driving with the motor? If it is for a clock or something with a very light load then that should work ok.
Isn't a CD-ROM motor just a standard little DC motor?, like a CD Player.

If so it wants a DC feed.
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