Many LM393 comparators cannot be used in your circuit because its minimum output low current is only 6mA. Your circuit has an output current of 14.3mA.
It is a dual comparator. Do you know how to disable the unused comparator?
You have to design for 6 mA or the minimum sink current thats guaranteed.
Disabling, basically means you should pick inputs which would result in 0 output in this case. Because of the high input Z, you should have the comparator inputs somewhere. Vcc and ground would be fine, but you would RATHER the output transistor to be off, not on. Usually a resistor is inserted in series with the In+ and In- lines as well. Whatever you have handy or used elsewhere in your circuit, e.g. 10K
The 14.3Volts is the desired volt to change from one transformer to the other(this comes from power supply output voltage 0-32 Volt)
5 Volt is for reference only
R3 is the output resistor. I suppose for relay a transistor will be needed ?
Have changed the circuit as below.
When i run it and use the red voltmeter to take measurements i only have 1v ?
What have i done wrong? I think it has to do with ltspice config...
Well i am back with this project.
Sorry for long absence but had many work and some more things to do
I now thanks god found the time to continue this project
I decided finally not to use a voltage comparator because of absence of time and want to finish this project.
So as i have described at earlier post i will use the switch for low and hi voltage transformer.
Below is a little progress i have done with it today !
Must mention that i did not drill the holess yet for the potentiometers...
Have it in mind to paint it but haven't decided the color
Any ideas what color to paint it ?
The comparator isn't needed for hysteresis because the relay has hysteresis. Alternatively you can get positive feedback using one resistor from the unregulated DC to the base of the relay drive transistor.
The comparator isn't needed for hysteresis because the relay has hysteresis. Alternatively you can get positive feedback using one resistor from the unregulated DC to the base of the relay drive transistor.
The comparator isn't needed for hysteresis because the relay has hysteresis. Alternatively you can get positive feedback using one resistor from the unregulated DC to the base of the relay drive transistor.