I'm repeating myself to be sure were on the same page.
A latch completes a cycle of the relay closing and opening on one press and release of the button.
A pulse would require 2 separate button presses to do the same thing.
sorry to keep repeating but I want to focus only on the 4013 part of the circuit for now because it is a critical part of the circuit. If it doesn’t work as expected, the rest of the circuit won’t work.
when I stated that the a button press causes a pulse, the release of the button should do nothing. The button connects to a differentiator that detects when the button output voltage goes from 0v to +5v and generates a pulse that clocks the first 4013 FF. The first FF then clocks the second FF causing it to toggle its state. When the button is pressed down again this cycle repeats.
So releasing the button should not cause the second FF to ever change state.
The second FF should only change state when the button is pressed downward.
Is it possible you are inadvertently pressing the button more than once?
Remember... this button is only for test and will be replaced with the sensor input.
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