Hi Eric,
Thanks for your message!
I did a number of things over the weekend. The first thing I did was to alter C5 from 273 to 600nF with the other components the same.
C4 = 1.195uF
C5 = 610nF
C6 = 18.25nF
L1 = 753uH
L3 = 47uH
This reduced the frequencies to 22.2KHz at 16.6V peak to peak and 15.3KHz at 40V pp
I then changed much of the frequencies on the board to these:
• C4 – 1.368uF
• C5 – 610nF
• C6 – 19.3nF
• L1 – 815uH
• L3 – 58uH
I coudln't get this one to oscillate at all and wondered if I'd missed a connection or the values weren't quite right. So I then put the original components back on the breadboard and connected them to the leads.
My original values as noted on the component markings (they measure a little different) are:
C4 - 0.1uF
C5 - 47nF
C6 - 1.5nF
L1 - 60uH
L3 - 4.5uH (2 turns of 18AWG at 7mm diameter)
It was hard for me to get any readings, my oscilloscope isn't rated to go above 2MHz. I did manage to get 2.5MHz at 15V pp. I have thought that perhaps the leads have reduced the the capacitance or inductance of the circuit. But it is hard to see how exactly.
I have also been trying to find an audio transformer that is 8ohm to 1Kohm. The Radioshack one below is ideal but they won't export. I found two UK companies that sell the same Radioshack brand audio transformer but they are both out of stock.
Audio Output Transformer - RadioShack.com
I think I need a turns ratio of 1:10, I found the transformer below which is 4 or 6 ohms and 320ohm.
NF-Übertrager 1:10
I bought the audio transformer below to have a look at. It is primary 1.2Kohm and secondary 3.2ohm.
**broken link removed**
Unfortunately it is rated at 0.2Watts so a little underpowered. I've been wondering if I can simply switch the primary and secondary. I will find some experiments to do with transformers, I need to understand them a little better.
Tonight I will put the component values back to those I first tried, which should still work, and follow your advice