What to change

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Hi guys I was working on this project and I just wanted to know if there is anything I can change that will make it work with PC 12volts. So far it works OK but I would want it to work with PC 12 volts
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So will this circuit have sufficient power to activate a 12volt automotive relay? Also how can I make it sensitive because now I have to shine a flashlight at the photo sensor to make it turn on I wanna be able for it to turn on at almost complete nighttime?
Oh I forgot to add, is it possibal for me not to have a relay and just use the 9 volt battery to power 4 white LED's if so how can I do it with this.
well.. you're changing your design? 9Vs can power a lot of LEDs, put 'em in parallel or series with a 1K resistor. A lot more can be powered in parallel, since in series will cause a drop in voltage which depends on the forward voltage of the LED.
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well.. you're changing your design? 9Vs can power a lot of LEDs, put 'em in parallel or series with a 1K resistor. A lot more can be powered in parallel, since in series will cause a drop in voltage which depends on the forward voltage of the LED.

The LED's are 20ma 3.3V white do you thing you can whip up a design for me if you don't mind.
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It's pretty simple, replace the relay coil with four LEDs, each with an appropriate series resistor. You could connect them as two strings of two in series for a lower current draw but the will start to dim when the battery drops below about 7V.

This circuit isn't very good, expect to see the LEDs get brighter and dimmer as the light intensity changes. You won't get sudden switching, unless you have the relay or another transistor.
This circuit isn't very good, expect to see the LEDs get brighter and dimmer as the light intensity changes. You won't get sudden switching, unless you have the relay or another transistor.

Yeah I was kinda thinking the same thing I think I will need the relay
I'm just a beginner to electronics so that one looks a little complicated to me so I will just use the one I have and ad a relay. One other thing when I cover the photocell the power turns off but I want it to turn power on when it gets dark (when I cover it) did I do something wrong here or is this circuit turns lights off at dark which does not sound right to me.
I was wondering if anyone can do me a huge favor? I wanted to know if there is any possibility anyone can turn this or a better dark activated circuit into a PCB drawing for me I can transfer it to the board and etch it I just need it turned into a PCB drawing with the tracks and stuff. It will be greatly appreciated but if it is too much for for anyone to do then thats OK.

Thank You
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It's simple enough that I don't mind doing it but the design depends on the relay and the transistor you're using.
Thank you so much for helping me out I really have this problem I still can't figure out how to turn a schematic into a PCB drawing. The transistor I have is a 2N2222A and the relay is a **broken link removed** and the spec on the relay are
Omron MY4-02 12VDC
5A 24VAC
5A 28VDC
and the pins on the relay are 14 but I can't find a pin diagram of the relay. I hope this information will help you in helping me. Oh OK I found a PDF of this relay but I don't know how to add it here if you want I can email it to you.

Thank You
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I looked up the datahseet for that relay.

It's certainly not PCB mountable and the coil current may be too high for just one transistor, which might not have enough gain.

Can't you use a smaller, PCB mount relay?
I thought that coil would of been to high can you recommend a another relay the can be powered by 9v and 12v and a very common relay. and I actually got that relay off of a PCB board I de-soldered it from a board. or can I add another transsistor to make it work with that relay but I will not know where to add it.
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Just another thought: why bother with a PCB? Why not use strip board?

If you're going to switch mains then you do need a PCB but if it's just extra low voltage, there's notthing wrong with strip board.
The only this there is that I have no strip board but I have lots of copper clads left I use to etch copper boards with pictures on it just for fun just to practice etching but I don't know how to make a PCB drawing out of a schematic I wish I can learn. So thats why I went with that route and it looks clearer.
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