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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

wish to learn microcontroller....... need your help

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Like the man in the video says.. professionals keep their options and mind open :) Learn them all once you get started!

yes absolutely.. and his style is also awesome!!!!!

and just in a few hours I'm going to local shop to buy a reasonable (in price) 8051 development board......
Hello Ian, I have just purchased the 8051 Development board.

The CD contain software : Keil μvision3 and another I have attached its view in the picture sreenshhot.jpg

Now how should I start... and also picked up AT89S52 chip .........

Now please tell me how to start....? it's upto you.... I cant wait more....
Without trying to be mean, I did take a look at the picture and in the text below it does say

A Kind Reminder:

Please click readme me button and get yourself familiaized
with the latest features of this software before you
proceed to using it. Thank You!

Now have you done this already ?????
Without trying to be mean, I did take a look at the picture and in the text below it does say

A Kind Reminder:

Please click readme me button and get yourself familiaized
with the latest features of this software before you
proceed to using it. Thank You!

Now have you done this already ?????

There is nothing...
I cant find the link now.


  • DSC04785.JPG
    495.8 KB · Views: 408
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If this is the dev board you bought

Then that programmer may not work???
no i dont brought this.. what i brought (I attached it, is bit different from the link you give) is not in the website....
this two come into a box and should work....

here is something from the package which tells this will support.. I marked them as RED...plz check this DSC04787.JPG
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waiting for your reply
Ok.... The supported micro's on the web site doesn't mention them..

One other thing!! I work Monday through Friday so I only check ETO when passing, You'll have to be patent as it could be hours between checks...

What testing stuff is on the dev board... Looks like you have LED's an push buttons!! Here is where to start... Write a program to flash the led's

Have you downloaded MCU 8051 IDE?? This is much like MPLAB IDE you can test your code before you program...
No... then i am downloading it.
Ok.I'm just excited about to learn the micro (sorry about that)...
after dwnlding wht shld I do?
it's a 7mb file... i thnk 2or 3mnt will take time to cmplt the download.
You don't have to have it.... It helps with debugging .. I use it all the time..

Have you EVER programmed a chip before??? I may have to do a little tutorial for you to play with..

Once you download and run MCU 8051 IDE ( remember to install and run as administrator in windows7 or vista or you'll have problems )

You can just type in the assembly code and run using the sim... Once it is debugged... Load it onto the real chip using the software that come with the programmer...
Have you EVER programmed a chip before??? I may have to do a little tutorial for you to play with..
no never programmed a chip before.... but yes 27C512 ROM I program manually in breadboard (i dnt think it'll help in the micro)....:D

( remember to install and run as administrator in windows7 or vista or you'll have problems )

I have XP. Administrator mode of course..
ok then I'll print this (the pdf, you attached) out and read them.

I may have to do a little tutorial for you to play with..

so this the tutorial you are talking about????

lots of study!!;)
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ok ..then should I print the pdf which you uploaded ( as im bit little lazy to read in computer)????... if you say.
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