Adding A/Ds to 12F683 in Oshonsoft

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I want to add a couple of Analogue inputs to a 12F683 Oshonsoft program. How do I set up the code (ADCON0, ANSEL, ADCON, ADON or whatever) for this please? I will use AN1 and AN2. I'm happy with similar examples!

Code attachment:


  • Analogue 29.bas
    1.3 KB · Views: 379
Have you enough pins?... If you set the ANSEL reg up you can just call ADCIN channel, variable

ADCIN 0,adcres1
ADCIN 1,adcres2
ADCIN 2,adcres3
Last edited:
Have you enough pins?... If you set the ANSEL reg up you can just call ADCIN channel, variable

ADCIN 0,adcres1
ADCIN 1,adcres2
ADCIN 2,adcres3
Thanks Ian,

I only need two pins. I'm not advanced enough to know how to set such things as ANSEL.


Thanks Eric,

This works fine.

Can you tell me why you have 'ALLDIGITAL' early in the code, when it has analogue pins?

Cheers, Camerart.
ericgibbs... He doesn't need the alldigital command..( I know it won't make any difference to your code as you re-set the adcon0 reg...)
Thanks Eric,

This works fine.

Can you tell me why you have 'ALLDIGITAL' early in the code, when it has analogue pins?

Cheers, Camerart.

Its a 'leftover' from a program, I cut n pasted the snippet which I posted for you... ignore it.
Its a 'leftover' from a program, I cut n pasted the snippet which I posted for you... ignore it.
Thanks Both,

On Eric's code that he posted there is both ANSEL and ADCON0 and that bit worked ok.

I have added that to a previous TIMER code, and it fails at the LOOP.

See attached:


  • Timer with AD inputs 29.bas
    1.7 KB · Views: 360
You cannot have gled for both.
Dim an0 As Word
Dim an1 As Word
Dim gled As Bit
Dim t As Word

''Symbol gled = GP2

You have also remmed out the conditional IF...ELSE statement subr

'If an0 >= 100 Then
    gled = 1
    WaitMs 10
    gled = 0
    WaitMs 10

I remmed out the Gled for a simpler (desperate:}) code.

Also I chose the SYMBOL option, and I found another mistake, I had it as Symbol gled 'AS' GP2 instead of equal.

Anyway, It's flashing now, thanks a lot.

hi Camerart,
I would suggest that you tidy up your header layout on the program, there are 'bits' everywhere, makes it hard to follow.
hi Camerart,
I would suggest that you tidy up your header layout on the program, there are 'bits' everywhere, makes it hard to follow.

Hi Eric,
You might remember helping me with a TIMER program last week? This is an add on to it, and will use a timer in conjunction with the A/Ds. So both programs have been merged. I don't fully understand the 'bits' in the header, even though I spend quite a time trying in the data sheets. I wouldn't dare try changing them, in case it has repercussions, that I again wouldn't understand.
hi Camerart,
I would suggest that you tidy up your header layout on the program, there are 'bits' everywhere, makes it hard to follow.
hi Camerart,
I would suggest that you tidy up your header layout on the program, there are 'bits' everywhere, makes it hard to follow.


I was looking at the header layerout and noticed (e,g,
T1CON = %00110000 '0x30 = 8:1, so thats 1MHz/8= 125KHz or 8uSec

Am I correct, that at the 'T1CON' line '.T1OSCEN-TMR1ON and TMR1CS' can be 'catered for by changing the %00000000 bits?

Cheers, Camerart
Yes you can load T1CON in one go, if you wish
Either by Bits or a Byte value.

Since I posted the 'tidied up' program I've slipped back down the well. I must have altered something, but I can't find the problem. Should I go back to before I changed it?

I added a led to a spare pin, as a kind of diagnostic help, but I couldn't get it to work. So I changed the LOOP as a simple LED toggle. I have added a LED to the 3 spare output pins and a pause only, but PINs 2 and 3 don't seem to work.

Can anyone help please? Code attached:



  • led test.bas
    1.6 KB · Views: 386
It works for me in simulation,
You have this remmed out Define SIMULATION_WAITMS_VALUE = 1 'SIMULATION ONLY

So the sim will take ages to run.
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