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Adding A/Ds to 12F683 in Oshonsoft

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hi camerart,
No post mail today.:(
Just ordered 6 off, 12F683 PIC's, expected mid week.

When done, I will post two programmed PIC's to you, FOC,, send me your address by Conversation

hi camerart,
This works OK, in a 12F683 I have purchased.

The LED associated with the ADC input lights when when the Vadc > 0.3V [ 100 counts] and goes dark when less than 100 ADC counts.

Please modify this code listing to include the extra commands/functions that are causing problems. post it and I will continue debugging.


'Timer Test V1.0 Camerart 12.02.14

'Uses 12f683, internal 4mHz clock


Define CONF_WORD = %11001111000100  '0x33c4

Dim an0 As Word  'setting an0 as WORD length makes ADC count =1023 max
Dim an1 As Word  'if set as BYTE length makes ADC count =255 max
Dim t As Word  't = Ticks counter, incremented on INTERRUPT
Dim firstpulse As Byte  'Check Byte or word
Dim secondpulse As Byte

Symbol rled = GP2  'LED's
Symbol gled = GP5

OSCCON = %01100000  'Internal 4MHz osc
CMCON0 = %00000111  '7  'Comparators off
WPU = 0  'Internal pull-ups = off

OPTION_REG = %10000000  'Pull ups, TMR0, Prescaler
INTCON = %10000000  'Timer interrupt bits
ANSEL = %01000011  '0x03  '0-3 Selecting pins Analogue Digital 6 Fosc/4
ADCON0 = %00000101  'A/D 0x85?

'[in theory ALL these should start up as '0' at power ON
'but its wise to ensure that they are!]
PIE1 = 0  'peripheral intr disable
PIE1.TMR1IE = 0  'Disable Timer 1 Overflow Interrupt
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0  'Clear Timer 1 Overflow Interrupt Flag

'set I/O pin direction
'(TRISIO = %XX001011) [ list pins in same order as binary bits]
TRISIO.5 = 0  'PIN 5 as gled
TRISIO.4 = 0  'PIN 4 unused
TRISIO.3 = 1  'PIN 5 as Button input (IN ONLY)
TRISIO.2 = 0  'PIN 5 as rled
TRISIO.1 = 1  'PIN 6 as analog1
TRISIO.0 = 1  'PIN 7 as analog0

rled = 1
WaitMs 1000
rled = 0
WaitMs 1000
gled = 1
WaitMs 1000
gled = 0
WaitMs 1000

'preload tmr1 0.5sec count
TMR1L = %11011100  'L + H = decimal 65536-62500=3036] = 8uSec*62500 = 0.5Sec==Count up from 3036 decimal To 65536
TMR1H = %00001011  '='Then roll over To 0000 Count And generate an Interrupt every 0.5sec
T1CON = %00110001  'prescale 8:1, internal clock, start tmr1
PIE1.TMR1IE = 1  'all start up done so Enable Timer 1 Interrupt

Adcin 0, an0  'read ADC0 Sets first pulse
Adcin 1, an1  'read ADC1 Sets second pulse

If an0 >= 100 Then  'if ADC0 counter => 100 then......
rled = 1  'ON IN SIMULATOR = OFF
firstpulse = an0
WaitMs an0  'this pulse duration is an0 millisec long
firstpulse = 0
rled = 0  'OFF IN SIMULATOR = ON

If an1 >= 100 Then
gled = 1  'ON IN SIMULATOR = OFF
secondpulse = an1
WaitMs an1
secondpulse = 0
gled = 0  'OFF IN SIMULATOR = ON

Goto loop
On Interrupt
Save System

'on this test the ISR is only a dummy call
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0  'must clear tmr1 intr

'must reload tmr1 0.5sec count
TMR1L = %11011100  'L + H = decimal 65536-62500=3036] = 8uSec*62500 = 0.5Sec==Count up from 3036 decimal To 65536
TMR1H = %00001011  '='Then roll over To 0000 Count And generate an Interrupt every 0.5sec

hi camerart,
This works OK, in a 12F683 I have purchased.

The LED associated with the ADC input lights when when the Vadc > 0.3V [ 100 counts] and goes dark when less than 100 ADC counts.

Please modify this code listing to include the extra commands/functions that are causing problems. post it and I will continue debugging.


Hi Eric,

The simulation works ok.

In circuit, when AN0 >= 100 then RLED switches on, then GLED flashes ON/OFF, and if AN0 <=100 RLED goes OFF.
AN1 switches GLED ON/OFF correctly.

Are you able to post the program code you want me to test in a PIC.?

In the code I have posted , tested in a PIC, the two LED's do not interact at all, they work as expected,

No flashing On and Off, just Steady when they are > 100
Are you able to post the program code you want me to test in a PIC.?

In the code I have posted , tested in a PIC, the two LED's do not interact at all, they work as expected,

No flashing On and Off, just Steady when they are > 100

Hi Eric,

I have only tried the last code that you posted.

BUT!! since then, I tried changing the line with 'WaitMs AN0' to 'WaitMs firstpulse' to see if it changed anything. The 'Start up flashes' went back to a momentary flash instead of 1 second for each LED. I then tried your last code again and it now has the same problem.

Could the fault be with more my programmer than the code?

UPDATE: I tried the original procedure of cutting your #62 code and pasting into a NEW Oshonsoft simulation then compiled it as usual, and it works as #63.
To double check, I have added the TMR1 interrupt to the program I posted to you, it works OK.

To show it working I have added a Blue LED on GP4 to see it flash On/Off at 0.5secs,,, its all working as I would expect, no interaction between the LED's.

Could you post a photo of your layout so that I can check its OK.?

To double check, I have added the TMR1 interrupt to the program I posted to you, it works OK.

To show it working I have added a Blue LED on GP4 to see it flash On/Off at 0.5secs,,, its all working as I would expect, no interaction between the LED's.

Could you post a photo of your layout so that I can check its OK.?


Hi Eric,

I've had various results, that aren't constant, while programming, also while testing.

Here is a video of the last in circuit test:

You will see that when it is first switched on, both LEDs go on.
Later when I was turning the AN0 voltage up, at first the second led GLED does not go on, this is at around 1/2Volt. If I turn the pot quicker, to perhaps 1Volt, then the second GLED goes on/off.

P.S. While on Youtube, have a look at the Spot welder test I posted. The circuit we are working on is for accurate timing of the welder.

Watched the vid.

I would recommend that you have at least a 100nF and a 47uF capacitor across the 0v and +5V supply as close as possible to the PIC.

Also any loose connections will give unpredictable results.


I dont see a wire in pin #6 of the PIC.??, is it floating.??
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Hi E,
I have put a 100nF and a 100uF (no 47uF) caps across power.
PIN #6 is AO1, and I just move the wire across from AO0 for testing. I have also tried it in the circuit, that has two POTs,with the same results.

I am now convinced that there is something wrong with the programmer. Using two PICs, and using the code from #62 and a simple flash code :
TRISIO = %00000100
WaitMs 1000
GP5 = 1
WaitMs 1000
GP5 = 0
WaitMs 1000

After spending an hour writing, reading and verifying, and getting incorrect results.
Now #62 code (that programmed ok, and is shown in the video) does not work (same old, no proper start up flashes) but the flash code does work.

Which PIC programmer do you have?

UPDATE: I failed numerous times to get the saved #62 code to work, then I tried shutting everything down, copying #62 from the forum page again and pasted it into a NEW oshonsoft code, compiled it and it works as the vid again.

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I use the PICStart+.

Import the Oshonsoft hex file into MPLAB IDE, ensure that the Configuration Bits are set correctly in MPLAB

Select the PICStart prommer in the MPLAB, Enable the Prommer then Program, wait until successful message.

What method do you you use.?

When I pick up your 12F683 tomorrow are they already programmed with your system.?
I use the PICStart+.

Import the Oshonsoft hex file into MPLAB IDE, ensure that the Configuration Bits are set correctly in MPLAB

Select the PICStart prommer in the MPLAB, Enable the Prommer then Program, wait until successful message.

What method do you you use.?

When I pick up your 12F683 tomorrow are they already programmed with your system.?
I'm not sure I can justify the expense of your programming system, but I'll keep it in mind.

I compile and load the BAS. then open PICKIT2 and it shows in the HEX list, then program and wait for successful message.

I'm wondering if the problem is staring me in the face!! For the 12F683, I had to make a 'piggy back' socket for the Programmer, as they are wired differently. Also the wires between programmer and chip socket is about 6 inches. I'll make a shorter neater socket, then re-try.

The chips I posted are new, but I think one might have a 'new chip' test on it. Not sure which code though.

I will preprogram the 2 I send back to you
I will preprogram the 2 I send back to you
Hi Eric,

That sounds good.

This program is to help me learn a bit more about programming, as I've decided to stay with this, perhaps not quite the latest system.

Ultimately it will be a spot welder timer. On the circuit board is 1xLED and 1xMOSFET (2xLEDs at the moment). AN0 sets the first burst of current ('say' 100MS) then AN1 sets the second burst of current (similar to first) GP3 starts the 2x bursts. Perhaps you could program 1x PIC with the existing code and 1x with the finished code once working?

That sounds OK to me, post here your final tested code and I will test and program the 2nd PIC.
Hi Eric,

I wired a new ZIF socket, with shorter leads, but no difference:(

I was looking at the code on #62. It in order that in Oshonsoft LINE19 'osccon' and other variables below it, are lower case and black, and haven't 'come alive' in the same way that INTCON has?

Cheers, Camerart.
I have just opened #62 code and this is an image of what I see in OS, looks OK.

Can you post a screen image of what you see.?



  • AAesp01.gif
    22.6 KB · Views: 447
In case you have a corrupted copy of the program, its here as an attachment.


  • Copy16.bas
    2.8 KB · Views: 464
In case you have a corrupted copy of the program, its here as an attachment.

Attached screen shot of 'copy16.bas'

:rolleyes:Just noticed!! After checking the new ZIF socket with 8PIN and 18 PIN PICs I had left the 18 PIN by mistake. That solved it, sorry.



  • osccon.jpg
    278.8 KB · Views: 465
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Hi Eric,

All's well. I've changed the code to be a spot welder driver code attached:

It's working on the bench with a LED and a motor as a load, instead of LED and welding probes. I now need to make the probes, and alter the timings to suit.

Later once it has proved to be ok, I'll change the timings to be controlled by interrupts, instead of WAITMS.

I think my programmer has become more reliable, since shortening the leads, and adding the ZIF, so I think you can keep the 12F683,s

Thanks a lot for you guidance, don't go away:)

Cheers, Camerart.


  • 12F683 SPOT WELDER 160214.bas
    3 KB · Views: 449
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