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OP can verify that the device is running with a well-placed "turn on LED" code. I'm curious of his results after the EEADR changes.
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movlw d'1' ;0.1 sec message length default
movwf EEDATA ;put into EEPROM data register
movlw EEM0LEN ;address of message 0 length
movwf EEADR ;set EEPROM address to program
call EEProg ;program byte
incf EEADR,f ;increment address of byte to init
call EEProg ;program byte EEM1LEN
incf EEADR,f ;increment address of byte to init
call EEProg ;program byte EEM2LEN
incf EEADR,f ;increment address of byte to init
call EEProg ;program byte EEM3LEN
movf msgNum,w ;get message number
andlw b'00000011' ;mask out bits 2-7
addlw EEM0LEN ;add the base of the message lengths
movwf EEADR ;save address
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM, w will have message length after
movwf isdTmr ;preset message timer
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is the length 0
return ;yes, don't play.
bsf PORTB,ptt ;turn transmitter on
movf msgNum,w ;get message number
andlw b'00000011' ;mask out bit 2-7
addlw EEM0LEN ;add address of message 0 length
movwf EEADR ;set EEPROM address
decf isdRTmr,w ;get timer - 1 (less 100 ms)
movwf EEDATA ;put into EEPROM data register...
call EEProg ;save message length
Thanks Terry, I ran the program but the card still didn't react.I've added Ian's changes to the file and one he missed on READEE - see if this one works.
The board has a power led and a led when the PTT is activated, but the PTT led with 16f628 does not light up yet.OP can verify that the device is running with a well-placed "turn on LED" code. I'm curious of his results after the EEADR changes.
Thanks Mike, I'm doing this in between other things so having other pairs of eyes is most welcome.There seems to be lots of places that EEADR is modified throughout the code.
; PIC 16C84 Based Repeater Controller.
; Copyright (C) 1996, Jeffrey B. Otterson, N1KDO.
; This software may be freely reproduced for use by amateur radio operators
; in their personally owned or club owned radio systems.
; 21 August 1996
; '__CONFIG' especifica os parâmetros codificados no processador no momento de
; programação do processador. As definições estão no arquivo de inclusão.
; Seguem os valores e suas definições:
; _CP_ON Código de proteção ON: não pode ler novamente
; _CP_OFF ??Proteção de código OFF
; _PWRTE_ON Reset do temporizador ao ligar em serviço
; _PWRTE_OFF Temporizador fora de serviço
; _WDT_ON Watchdog em operação
; _WDT_OFF Watchdog desligado
; _LP_OSC Oscilador de cristal de baixa velocidade
; _XT_OSC Oscilador de cristal de velocidade média
; _HS_OSC oscilador de cristal de alta velocidade
; _RC_OSC RC oscilador de rede
__config _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _XT_OSC
LIST p=16F628 ; *************************ALTEREI
#include "p16F628a.inc" ; *************************ALTEREI
; include "p16c84.inc"
ERRORLEVEL 0, -302 ;suppress Argument out of range errors
; Message Addressing Scheme:
; Stored Audio:
; 0 - Initial ID, "Welcome to N1KDO repeater"
; 1 - Normal ID, "N1KDO repeater"
; 2 - Timeout message, "Repeater Timeout"
; 3 - Tail message, "Club meeting tonight"
; CW messages:
; 0 - CW ID, "de n1kdo/r"
; 1 - CW timeout message, "to"
; 2 - CW confirm message, "ok"
; 3 - CW bad message, "ng"
CW_ID equ h'00'
CW_TO equ h'01'
CW_OK equ h'02'
CW_NG equ h'03'
ISD_IID equ h'10'
ISD_ID equ h'11'
ISD_TO equ h'12'
ISD_TM equ h'13'
ISD_SM equ h'14' ;simplex repeater message
ISDSIM equ 2 ;indicates simplex message
ISDMSG equ 4 ;indicates message is for ISD
MSGREC equ 7 ;set high bit to indicate record mode
; The main program spins in Loop as fast as it can.
; Timing is accomplished by the interrupt routine that sets 3 bits that
; are used inside the main loop: TENTH, ONESEC, and TENSEC. When these
; bits are set, the corresponding timer(s) should be decremented.
; Port A has the DTMF data, and one bit that is used for muting and init
; A.0 (in ) = DTMF bit 0
; A.1 (in ) = DTMF bit 1
; A.2 (in ) = DTMF bit 2
; A.3 (in ) = DTMF bit 3
; A.4 (in ) = init input at start up, mute output after
;Port A
TMASK equ 0f
MUTE equ 4 ;mute and init share A.4
; Port B has the following
; B.0 (in ) = DTMF digit valid
; B.1 (out) = PTT
; B.2 (out) = ISD playl\
; B.3 (out) = ISD A0
; B.4 (out) = ISD A1
; B.5 (out) = ISD record\
; B.6 (out) = beep tone output
; B.7 (in ) = COR
dv equ 0 ;DTMF digit valid
ptt equ 1 ;PTT key
isdPlay equ 2 ;ISD run
isdRec equ 3 ;ISD record (0) / play (1) select
isdA0 equ 4 ;ISD message select bit 0
isdA1 equ 5 ;ISD message select bit 1
beepBit equ 6 ;beep generator
cor equ 7 ;unsquelched (0) / squelched (1)
CTL0 equ 2 ;output lead zero when no ISD
CTL1 equ 3 ;output lead one when no ISD
;TFlags ;timer flags
TICK equ 0 ;100 ms tick flag
TENTH equ 1 ;tenth second decrementer flag
ONESEC equ 2 ;one second decrementer flag
TENSEC equ 3 ;ten second decrementer flag
CWTICK equ 4 ;cw clock bit
TFLCOR equ 7 ;debounced cor
initID equ 0 ;need to ID now
sentID equ 1 ;recently sent ID
lastDV equ 2 ;last pass digit valid
init equ 3 ;initialize
lastCor equ 4 ;last COR flag
isdRecF equ 5 ;ISD record flag
cwOn equ 6 ;cw sender is active...
beepOn equ 7 ;beep tone on
NOISD equ 0 ;ISD 1420 is not present
SIMPLEX equ 1 ;simplex repeater mode
;NIY equ 2 ;NIY
;NIY equ 3 ;NIY
NOCTSY equ 4 ;suppress courtesy tone
NOMUTE equ 5 ;don't mute touch-tones
ISDCTSY equ 6 ;play ISD message 3 for courtesy tone
;NIY equ 7 ;NIY
;state, bit 0 set indicates transmitter should be on...
SQUIET equ 0
SRPT equ 1
SHANG equ 3
SACTIVE equ b'00000001' ;active mask, don't turn off PTT when ISD done
;debounce count complete Bit
CDBBIT equ 1 ; debounce counts to 2, about 1.143 ms?
CDBBIT equ 5 ; debounce counts to 32, about 18.2 ms
; EEPROM locations for data...
EEENAB equ h'00'
EECONF equ h'01'
EEHANG equ h'02'
EETOUT equ h'03'
EEID equ h'04'
EETMSG equ h'05'
EECWOK equ h'06'
EECWNG equ h'09'
EECWTO equ h'0c'
EECWID equ h'0f'
EEIEND equ h'1a' ;last EEPROM to program with data at init time
EELAST equ h'37' ;last EEPROM address to init
EEM0LEN equ h'38'
EEM1LEN equ h'39'
EEM2LEN equ h'3a'
EEM3LEN equ h'3b'
EETTPRE equ h'3c'
;DTMF remote control constants
TONES EQU 4 ;number of digits in received touch tone command
MAXCMD EQU 4 ;maximum number of digits in command
; CW sender constants
CWDIT equ 1 ;dit = 100 ms
CWDAH equ CWDIT * 3 ;dah = 300 ms
CWIESP equ CWDIT ;inter-element space = 100 ms
CWILSP equ CWDAH ;inter-letter space = 300 ms
CWIWSP equ 7 ;inter-word space = 700 ms
ISDSMAX EQU D'198' ;preset max ISD record time 19.8 sec (simplex)
ISDMAX EQU D'48' ;preset max ISD record time 4.8 sec
ISDBKOF EQU D'3' ;preset simplex ISD backoff time .3 sec
OFBASE equ D'2' ;overflow counts fast!
TEN equ D'2'
OFBASE equ D'175' ;overflow counts in 100.12 ms
TEN equ D'10'
CWCNT equ D'105' ;approximately 60 ms for 20 wpm
IDSOON equ D'6' ;ID soon, polite IDer threshold, 60 sec
MUTEDLY equ D'20' ;DTMF muting timer
;macro definitions
push macro
movwf w_copy ;save w reg in Buffer
swapf w_copy,f ;swap it
swapf STATUS,w ;get status
movwf s_copy ;save it
pop macro
swapf s_copy,w ;restore status
movwf STATUS ; /
swapf w_copy,w ;restore W reg
cblock 0x20 ;**************ALTEREI 0c PARA 0x20
w_copy ;saved W register for interrupt handler
s_copy ;saved status register for int handler
cfgFlag ;Configuration Flags
tFlags ;Timer Flags
flags ;operating Flags
ofCnt ;100 ms timebase counter
cwCntr ;cw timebase counter
secCnt ;one second count
tenCnt ;ten second count
state ;CAS state
hangDly ;hang timer preset, in tenths
tOutDly ;timeout timer preset, in 1 seconds
idDly ;id timer preset, in 10 seconds
hangTmr ;hang timer, in tenths
tOutTmr ;timeout timer, in 1 seconds
idTmr ;id timer, in 10 seconds
isdTmr ;ISD1240 playback timer, in tenths
isdRTmr ;ISD1240 record timer, in tenths (up-counter)
sISDTmr ;simplex ISD back-off timer
muteTmr ;DTMF muting timer, in tenths
cwTmr ;CW element timer
msgNum ;message number to play
tone ;touch tone digit received
toneCnt ;digits received down counter
cmdCnt ;command digists received
tBuf1 ;tones received buffer
tBuf2 ;tones received buffer
tBuf3 ;tones received buffer
tBuf4 ;tones received buffer
cwBuff ;CW message buffer offset
cwByte ;CW current byte (bitmap)
tMsgCtr ;tail message counter
dBounce ;cor debounce counter
;last RAM address is at 2f
org 0
goto Start
; interrupt handler
org b'0100' ; ********************** ALTEREI 4 para 0100
push ;preserve W and STATUS
goto TimrInt
goto IntExit
btfss flags,beepOn ;is beep turned on?
goto TimrTst ;no, continue
btfss PORTB,beepBit ;is beepBit set?
goto Beep0 ;no
bcf PORTB,beepBit ;yes, turn it off
goto TimrTst ;continue
bsf PORTB,beepBit ;beep bit is off, turn it on...
decfsz ofCnt,f ;decrement the overflow counter
goto TimrDone ;if not 0, then
bsf tFlags,TICK ;set tick indicator flag
movlw OFBASE ;preset overflow counter
movwf ofCnt
decfsz cwCntr,f ;decrement the cw timebase counter
goto DBounce
bsf tFlags,CWTICK ;set tick indicator
movlw CWCNT ;get preset value
movwf cwCntr ;preset cw timebase counter
DBounce ;COR debounce
btfss PORTB,cor ;check cor
goto ICorOn ;it's low...
;squelch is closed; receiver is inactive
movf dBounce,f ;check debounce counter for zero
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto TIntDone ;yes
decf dBounce,f ;no, decrement it
btfss STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto TIntDone ;no, continue
bsf tFlags,TFLCOR ;yes, turn COR off
goto TIntDone ;done with COR debouncing...
;squelch is open; receiver is active
btfsc dBounce,CDBBIT ;check debounce counter
goto TIntDone ;already maxed out
incf dBounce,f ;increment
btfss dBounce,CDBBIT ;is it maxed now?
goto TIntDone ;no
bcf tFlags,TFLCOR ;yes, turn COR on
bcf INTCON,T0IF ;clear RTCC int mask
pop ;restore W and STATUS
movlw 0x07 ;************ADICIONADO turn off comparators
movwf CMCON ; ***********ADICIONADO
bsf STATUS,RP0 ;select bank 1
movlw b'00011111' ;low 5 bits are input
movwf TRISA ;set port a as outputs
movlw b'10000001' ;RB0&RB7 inputs
movwf TRISB
movlw b'10001000' ;DEBUG! no pull up, timer 0 gets no prescale
movlw b'10000000' ;no pull up, timer 0 gets prescale 2
movwf OPTION_REG ;
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;select page 0
clrf PORTB ;init port B
clrf PORTA ;make port a all low
clrf state ;clear state (quiet)
clrf tFlags ;clear timer flags
bsf tFlags,TFLCOR ;set debouced cor off
clrf flags ;clear status flags
clrf msgNum ;clear message number
movlw OFBASE ;preset overflow counter
movwf ofCnt
movlw CWCNT ;get preset value
movwf cwCntr ;preset cw timebase counter
movlw TEN ;preset decade counters
movwf secCnt ;1 second down counter
movwf tenCnt ;10 second down counter
clrf hangTmr ;clear hang timer
clrf tOutTmr ;clear timeout timer
clrf idTmr ;clear idTimer
clrf isdTmr ;clear isdTimer
clrf muteTmr ;clear muting timer
clrf sISDTmr ;clear ISD back off timer
clrf cmdCnt ;clear command counter
clrf dBounce ;clear debounce timer counter
movlw TONES
movwf toneCnt ;preset tone counter
btfsc PORTA,INITBIT ;check to see if init is pulled low
goto NoInit ;init is not low, continue...
bsf flags,init ;initialization in progress
movlw EELAST ;get last address to initialize
movwf EEADR ;set EEPROM address to program
call InitDat ;get init data byte
movwf EEDATA ;put into EEPROM data register
call EEProg ;program byte
movf EEADR,f ;load status, set Z if zero (last byte done)
btfsc STATUS,Z ;skip if Z is clear (not last byte)
goto InitISD ;done initializing EEPROM data
decf EEADR,f ;decrement EEADR
goto InitLp
movlw d'1' ;0.1 sec message length default
movwf EEDATA ;put into EEPROM data register
movlw EEM0LEN ;address of message 0 length
movwf EEADR ;set EEPROM address to program
call EEProg ;program byte
incf EEADR,f ;increment address of byte to init
call EEProg ;program byte EEM1LEN
incf EEADR,f ;increment address of byte to init
call EEProg ;program byte EEM2LEN
incf EEADR,f ;increment address of byte to init
call EEProg ;program byte EEM3LEN
bsf STATUS,RP0 ;select bank 1
movlw b'00001111' ;low 4 bits are input, RA4 is muting control
movwf TRISA ;set port a as outputs
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;select bank 1
call GetData ;read EEPROM data
movlw b'10100000' ;enable interrupts, & Timer 0 overflow
movwf INTCON
;check CW bit
btfss tFlags,CWTICK ;is the CWTICK set
goto NoCW
bcf tFlags,CWTICK ;reset the CWTICK flag bit
;CW sender
btfss flags,cwOn ;sending CW?
goto NoCW ;nope
decfsz cwTmr,f ;decrement CW timer
goto NoCW ;not zero
btfss flags,beepOn ;was "key" down?
goto CWKeyUp ;nope
;key was down
bcf flags,beepOn ;key->up
decf cwByte,w ;test CW byte to see if 1
btfsc STATUS,Z ;was it 1 (Z set if cwByte == 1)
goto CWNext ;it was 1...
movlw CWIESP ;get cw inter-element space
movwf cwTmr ;preset cw timer
goto NoCW ;done with this pass...
CWNext ;get next character of message
incf cwBuff,f ;increment offset
movf cwBuff,w ;get offset
call ReadEE ;get char from EEPROM
movwf cwByte ;store character bitmap
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is this a space (zero)
goto CWWord ;yes, it is 00
incf cwByte,w ;check to see if it is FF
btfsc STATUS,Z ;if this bitmap was FF then Z will be set
goto CWWord ;yes, it is FF
movlw CWILSP ;no, not 00 or FF, inter letter space
movwf cwTmr ;preset cw timer
goto NoCW ;done wiht this pass...
CWWord ;word space
movlw CWIWSP ;get word space
movwf cwTmr ;preset cw timer
goto NoCW ;done wiht this pass...
CWKeyUp ;key was up, key again...
incf cwByte,w ;is cwByte == ff?
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Z is set if cwByte == ff
goto CWDone ;got EOM
movf cwByte,f ;check for zero/word space
btfss STATUS,Z ;is it zero
goto CWTest ;no...
;is 00, word space...
incf cwBuff,f ;increment offset
movf cwBuff,w ;get offset
call ReadEE ;get char from EEPROM
movwf cwByte ;store character bitmap
btfsc STATUS,Z ;check for another word space
goto NoCW ;if another space, done with this pass...
movlw CWDIT ;get dit length
btfsc cwByte,0 ;check low bit
movlw CWDAH ;get DAH length
movwf cwTmr ;preset cw timer
bsf flags,beepOn ;turn key->down
rrf cwByte,f ;rotate cw bitmap
bcf cwByte,7 ;clear the MSB
goto NoCW ;done with this pass...
CWDone ;done sending CW
bcf flags,cwOn ;turn off CW flag
movlw b'11110001' ;set timer flags mask
andwf tFlags,f ;clear timer flags
btfss tFlags,TICK ;check to see if a tick has happened
goto Loop1
; 100ms tick has occurred...
bcf tFlags,TICK ;reset tick flag
bsf tFlags,TENTH ;set tenth second flag
decfsz secCnt,f ;decrement 1 second counter
goto Loop1 ;not zero (not 1 sec interval)
; 1s tick has occurred...
movlw TEN ;preset decade counter
movwf secCnt
bsf tFlags,ONESEC ;set one second flag
decfsz tenCnt,f ;decrement 10 second counter
goto Loop1 ;not zero (not 10 second interval)
; 10s tick has occurred...
movlw TEN ;preset decade counter
movwf tenCnt
bsf tFlags,TENSEC ;set ten second flag
; main loop for repeater controller
;computed GOTO used as a switch()
movlw h'00'
movwf PCLATH ;ensure that computed goto will stay in range
movf state,w ;get state into w
addwf PCL,f ;add w to PCL
goto Quiet ;0
goto Repeat ;1
goto TimeOut ;2
goto Hang ;3
goto CasEnd ;4
btfsc tFlags,TFLCOR ;is squelch open?
goto CasEnd ;no
btfss cfgFlag,SIMPLEX ;simplex mode?
goto QKeyUp
; *** SIMPLEX ***
btfsc flags,cwOn ;is cw playing?
goto CasEnd ;can't go into record if cw is playing
movf isdTmr,f ;check ISD timer
btfss STATUS,Z ;is it zero
goto CasEnd ;no, ISD is playing, don't record
movlw SRPT ;
movwf state ;change state to repeat
bcf PORTB,isdRec ;stop any recording message
bcf PORTB,isdPlay ;stop any playing message
bcf PORTB,isdA0 ;reset message address bits
bcf PORTB,isdA1
bcf PORTB,ptt ;turn transmitter off
bsf flags,isdRecF ;set record mode
clrf msgNum ;set message number to zero
bsf msgNum,ISDMSG ;set message to be for ISD
movlw ISDSMAX ;get maximum simplex message length
movwf isdTmr ;preset max duration counter
clrf isdRTmr ;zero recorded duration timer
bcf PORTA,MUTE ;unmute
bsf PORTB,isdRec ;start recording
movf idTmr,f ;check ID timer
btfss STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto CasEnd ;non zero
movf idDly,w ;get ID timer delay into w
movwf idTmr ;store to down-counter
goto CasEnd
bsf PORTB,ptt ;turn transmitter on
movf isdTmr,f ;check ISD timer
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is it zero
goto Key0 ;yes, no message playing
btfsc msgNum,1 ;is it an ID message?
goto Key0 ;no, let it go
;stomp on playing voice message
clrf isdTmr ;clear ISD timer
bcf PORTB,isdPlay ;turn off ISD1240 playback
movlw CW_ID ;play CW Id
movwf msgNum ;set message number
call PlayMsg ;play the message
bcf PORTA,MUTE ;unmute
btfss flags,cwOn ;is cw playing?
bcf flags,beepOn ;no, make sure that beep is off.
movf tOutDly,w ;get timeout delay into w
movwf tOutTmr ;preset timeout counter
movlw SRPT
movwf state ;change state to repeat
btfss msgNum,MSGREC ;is record flag set?
goto Key1 ;nope...
bcf msgNum,MSGREC ;clear record flag
bsf flags,isdRecF ;set record mode
movlw ISDMAX ;get maximum length...
movwf isdTmr ;preset max duration
clrf isdRTmr ;clear recorded duration timer
bsf PORTB,isdRec ;turn on ISD record
movf idTmr,f ;check ID timer
btfss STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto Key2 ;non zero
bsf flags,initID ;ID timer was zero, set initial ID flag
goto CasEnd
btfss flags,sentID ;sent ID recently?
goto CasEnd ;no
bcf flags,sentID ;clear recent ID flag
movf idDly,w ;get ID timer delay into w
movwf idTmr ;store to down-counter
goto CasEnd
btfss tFlags,ONESEC ;check to see if one second tick
goto Repeat1 ;nope...
decfsz tOutTmr,f ;decrement timeout timer
goto Repeat1 ;not to zero yet...
goto TimedOut ;timed out!
btfss tFlags,TFLCOR ;is squelch open?
goto CasEnd ;no, keep repeating
bsf PORTA,MUTE ;mute the audio...
clrf muteTmr ;cancel timed unmute from dtmf muting
btfss flags,isdRecF ;is it in record mode?
goto CorOff ;nope, skip next part
bcf PORTB,isdRec ;recording, carrier dropped, stop recording
bcf flags,isdRecF ;turn off record flag
clrf isdTmr ;clear ISD timer
btfss cfgFlag,SIMPLEX ;in simplex mode?
goto RecEnd ;no
; *** SIMPLEX ***
movlw ISDBKOF ;get the ISD back off delay
movwf sISDTmr ;save the ISD back off delay
bsf PORTB,ptt ;turn transmitter on
movlw SQUIET
movwf state ;change state to quiet
goto CasEnd
movf msgNum,w ;get message number
andlw b'00000011' ;mask out bit 2-7
addlw EEM0LEN ;add address of message 0 length
movwf EEADR ;set EEPROM address
decf isdRTmr,w ;get timer - 1 (less 100 ms)
movwf EEDATA ;put into EEPROM data register...
call EEProg ;save message length
CorOff ;cor on->off transition
btfsc cfgFlag,SIMPLEX ;in simplex mode?
goto SimPlay ;play (truncated) recorded message
clrf muteTmr ;reset the mute timer
clrf tOutTmr ;clear time out timer
movf hangDly,w ;get hang timer preset
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is hang timer preset 0?
goto NoHang ;no hang time
movwf hangTmr ;preset hang timer
movlw SHANG
movwf state ;change state to hang
goto CorOff2
movlw SQUIET ;change state to quiet
movwf state ;save state
btfss flags,initID ;check initial id flag
goto CkId2 ;not set...
movlw ISD_IID ;initial ID
movwf msgNum ;set message number
call PlayMsg ;play the message
goto ResetID ;reset timers, flags, & continue
btfsc flags,sentID ;id sent lately?
goto CasEnd ;yes, go on...
;if (idTmr <= idSoon) then goto StartID
;implemented as: if ((IDSOON-idTimer)>=0) then goto StartID
movf idTmr,w ;get idTmr into W
sublw IDSOON ;IDSOON-w ->w
btfss STATUS,C ;C is clear if result is negative
goto CasEnd ;don't need to ID yet...
movlw ISD_ID ;regular ID
movwf msgNum ;set message number
call PlayMsg ;play the message
goto ResetID ;reset timers, flags, & continue
bsf PORTA,MUTE ;mute the audio...
clrf muteTmr ;reset the mute timer
movwf state ;change state to timed out
movlw ISD_TO ;ISD time out message
movwf msgNum ;set message number
call PlayMsg ;play the message
goto CasEnd
btfss tFlags,TFLCOR ;is squelch open?
goto KeyUp ;yes!
btfss tFlags,TENTH ;check to see if tenth second tick
goto CasEnd
btfsc flags,cwOn ;is cw playing?
goto Hang2 ;yes, don't ctsy beep
btfsc cfgFlag,NOCTSY ;check for suppressed courtesy tone
goto Hang2 ;suppressed...
;test to see if time for ctsy tone here
movf hangTmr,w ;get hang timer
addlw 5 ;add 500 ms
subwf hangDly,w ;subtract hang delay
btfss STATUS,Z ;zero if equal
goto Hang1
movf isdTmr,f ;check isd timer
btfss STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto Hang2 ;no; ISD is playing, don't beep
btfsc cfgFlag,ISDCTSY ;check for ISD stored courtesy tone
goto ISDCtsy
bsf flags,beepOn ;turn on beep
goto Hang2
ISDCtsy ;want to play ISD message 3 for courtesy tone
movlw ISD_TM ;ISD tail message plays as courtesy tone
movwf msgNum ;set message number
call PlayMsg ;play the message
goto Hang2
btfsc cfgFlag,ISDCTSY ;check for ISD stored courtesy tone
goto Hang2
movf hangTmr,w ;get hang timer
addlw 7 ;add 700 ms so beep is 200 ms long
btfsc flags,init ;in init mode?
addlw 3 ;add another 300 ms so beep is 500 ms long
subwf hangDly,w ;subtract hang delay
btfss STATUS,Z ;zero if equal
goto Hang2
bcf flags,beepOn ;turn off beep
decfsz hangTmr,f ;decrement hang timer
goto CasEnd ;not zero yet
movlw SQUIET
movwf state ;change state to quiet
movf tMsgCtr,f ;check tail message counter
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Z will be set if counter is zero, skip
goto CasEnd ;tMsgCtr is zero
decfsz tMsgCtr,f ;decrement the tail message counter
goto CasEnd ;not zero yet
movlw EETMSG ;get address of tail message counter preset
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM
movwf tMsgCtr ;restore w into tail message counter
movlw ISD_TM ;get the tail message
movwf msgNum ;save it as the message to play
call PlayMsg ;play the message
goto CasEnd ;done
btfss tFlags,TFLCOR ;is squelch open?
goto CasEnd ;no, stay timed out...
movlw SQUIET
movwf state ;change state to quiet
movlw ISD_TO ;ISD time out message
movwf msgNum ;set message number
call PlayMsg ;play the message
movf isdTmr,f ;check isdTimer
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto ID1 ;yes, don't need to check it's timer...
btfss tFlags,TENTH ;check to see if tenth second tick
goto ID1 ;nope
btfsc flags,isdRecF ;is the ISD in record mode?
incf isdRTmr,f ;yes. increment the record timer
decfsz isdTmr,f ;decrement ISD1240 play timer
goto ID1 ;not zero yet...
btfss flags,isdRecF ;is it in record mode
goto ISDpOff ;no
bcf PORTB,isdRec ;recording, time is up, truncate recording
bcf flags,isdRecF ;turn off record flag
btfsc cfgFlag,SIMPLEX ;in simplex mode?
goto ID1 ;yes, don't store message length
;store message length
movf msgNum,w ;get message number
andlw b'00000011' ;mask out bit 2-7
addlw EEM0LEN ;add address of message 0 length
movwf EEADR ;set EEPROM address
decf isdRTmr,w ;get timer - 1
movwf EEDATA ;put into EEPROM data register...
call EEProg ;save message length
goto ID1 ;
bcf PORTB,isdPlay ;zero, turn off ISD1240 playback
movf idTmr,f
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is idTmr 0
goto CkBkOff ;yes...
btfss tFlags,TENSEC ;check to see if ten second tick
goto CkBkOff ;nope...
decfsz idTmr,f ;decrement ID timer
goto CkBkOff ;not zero yet...
;id timer is zero! time to ID
btfsc flags,sentID ;check recent id flag
goto ID2 ;set...
StartID ;id timer timeout...
movlw ISD_ID ;regular ID
btfss tFlags,TFLCOR ;is squelch open?
movlw CW_ID ;CW ID
movwf msgNum ;set message number
call PlayMsg ;play the message
movf idDly,w ;get ID timer delay into w
movwf idTmr ;store to idTmr down-counter
bcf flags,initID ;clear initial ID flag
bsf flags,sentID ;set recent ID flag
goto CkBkOff
bcf flags,sentID ;clear recent ID flag
movf sISDTmr,f ;check ISD backoff timer
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto CkTone ;yes
btfss tFlags,TENTH ;check to see if tenth second tick
goto CkTone ;nope
decfsz sISDTmr,f ;decrement ISD1240 backoff timer
goto CkTone ;not zero yet...
movlw ISD_SM ;ISD simplex message
movwf msgNum ;set message number
call ISDPlay ;start the message playing
btfss PORTB,dv ;check M8870 digit valid
goto NoTone ;not set
btfsc flags,lastDV ;check to see if set on last pass
goto ToneDon ;it was already set
bsf flags,lastDV ;set lastDV flag
btfsc cfgFlag,NOMUTE ;check for no muting flag
goto MuteEnd ;no muting...
movlw MUTEDLY ;get mute timer delay
movwf muteTmr ;preset mute timer
bsf PORTA,MUTE ;set muting
movf PORTA,w ;get DTMF digit
andlw TMASK ;mask off hi nibble
movwf tone ;save digit
goto ToneDon
btfss flags,lastDV ;is lastDV set
goto ToneDon ;nope...
bcf flags,lastDV ;clear lastDV flag...
btfsc flags,init ;in init mode?
goto WrTone ;yes, go write the tone
movf toneCnt,w ;test toneCnt
btfss STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto CkDigit ;no
;password has been successfully entered, start storing tones
;make sure that there is room for this digit
movlw MAXCMD ;get max # of command tones
subwf cmdCnt,w ;cmdCnt - MAXCMD -> w
btfsc STATUS,Z ;if Z is set then there is no more room
goto Wait ;no room, just ignore it...
;there is room for this digit, calculate buffer address...
movlw tBuf1 ;get address of first byte in buffer
addwf cmdCnt,w ;add offset
movwf FSR ;set indirection register
movf tone,w ;get tone
call MapDTMF ;convert to hex value
movwf INDF ;save into buffer location
incf cmdCnt,f ;increment cmdCnt
goto Wait
;check this digit against the code table
sublw TONES ;w = TONES - w; w now has digit number
addlw EETTPRE ;w = w + EETTPRE; the digit's EEPROM address
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM
subwf tone,w ;w = tone - w
btfss STATUS,Z ;is w zero?
goto NotTone ;no...
decf toneCnt,f ;decrement toneCnt
goto ToneDon
movlw TONES
subwf toneCnt,w
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is this the first digit?
goto BadTone ;yes
movlw TONES ;reset to check to see if this digit
movwf toneCnt ;is the first digit...
goto CkDigit
WrTone ;save tone in EEPROM to init password
movf toneCnt,w ;test toneCnt
sublw TONES ;w = TONES - w; w now has digit number
addlw EETTPRE ;w = w + EETTPRE; the digit's EEPROM address
movwf EEADR ;EEADR = w
movf tone,w ;get tone
movwf EEDATA ;put into EEPROM data register...
call EEProg ;call EEPROM prog routine
decfsz toneCnt,f ;decrement tone count
goto ToneDon ;not zero, still in init mode
bcf flags,init ;zero, out of init mode
movlw TONES ;no... get number of command tones into w
movwf toneCnt ;preset number of command tones
movlw SACTIVE ;get active mask
andwf state,w ;check to see if active, zero is not active
btfss STATUS,Z ;skip next if not active
goto Wait
movf isdTmr,f ;check isdTmr for 0
btfss STATUS,Z ;skip next if zero
goto Wait
movf sISDTmr,f ;check ISD back off timer for 0
btfss STATUS,Z ;skip next if zero
goto Wait
btfsc flags,cwOn ;is cw sender going?
goto Wait ;yes, keep going...
bcf PORTB,ptt ;turn transmitter off
btfss tFlags,TENTH ;check to see if one tenth second tick
goto Wait1 ;nope...
movf muteTmr,f ;test mute timer
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Z is set if not DTMF muting
goto Wait1 ;
decfsz muteTmr,f ;decrement muteDly
goto Wait1 ;have not reached the end of the mute time
bcf PORTA,MUTE ;unmute
btfsc tFlags,TFLCOR ;is squelch open?
goto CorOn ;yes
btfss flags,lastCor ;cor is off, is last COR off?
goto Loop ;last COR is also off, do nothing here
;COR on->off transition (receiver has just unsquelched)
bcf flags,lastCor ;clear last COR flag
call ClrTone ;clear password tones & commands
goto Loop
btfsc flags,lastCor ;cor is ON, is last COR on?
goto Loop ;last COR is also on, do nothing here
;COR off->on transition (receiver has just squelched)
bsf flags,lastCor ;set last COR flag
;evaluate touch tones in buffer
movf cmdCnt,f ;check to see if any stored tones
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto Loop ;no stored tones
movlw MAXCMD ;get max # of command tones
subwf cmdCnt,w ;cmdCnt - MAXCMD -> w
btfss STATUS,Z ;if Z is set then there are enough digits
goto CmdDone ;not enough command digits...
;there are tones stored in the buffer...
swapf tBuf1,w ;swap nibble of tBuf1 and store in w
iorwf tBuf2,w ;or in low nibble (tBuf2)
movwf tBuf1 ;store resultant 8 bit value into tBuf1
swapf tBuf3,w ;swap nibble of tBuf3 and store in w
iorwf tBuf4,w ;or in low nibble (tBuf4)
movwf tBuf3 ;store resultant 8 bit value into tBuf3
;test the address...
btfsc tBuf1,7 ;bit 7 is not allowed
goto BadCmd
btfsc tBuf1,6 ;bit 6 indicates command: 4xxx,5xxx,6xxx,7xxx
goto MsgCmd
;program the byte...
movf tBuf1,w ;get address
movwf EEADR
movf tBuf3,w ;get data byte
movwf EEDATA
call EEProg ;program EE byte
movlw CW_OK
movwf msgNum
call PlayMsg
;test to see if any of the runtime variables need modification
movf tBuf1,w ;get address
btfss STATUS,Z
goto TstConf
movf tBuf3,f
btfss STATUS,Z ;is data 0?
goto TstEna1
movwf state
goto TstDone
movlw SQUIET ;enable repeater
movwf state
bcf flags,initID ;
bcf flags,sentID ;
goto TstDone
movf tBuf1,w ;get address
sublw EECONF ;subtract CONFIG address
btfss STATUS,Z
goto TstHang
movf tBuf3,w
movwf cfgFlag ;store w into config flag
clrf hangTmr ;clear hang timer
clrf tOutTmr ;clear timeout timer
clrf isdTmr ;clear isdTimer
clrf muteTmr ;clear muting timer
clrf sISDTmr ;clear ISD back off timer
bcf PORTB,isdRec ;stop any recording message
clrf state ;reset to quiet state
goto TstDone
movf tBuf1,w ;get address
sublw EEHANG ;subtract HANG address
btfss STATUS,Z
goto TstTOut
movf tBuf3,w
movwf hangDly ;store w into hang time delay preset
goto TstDone
movf tBuf1,w ;get address
sublw EETOUT ;subtract TIMEOUT address
btfss STATUS,Z
goto TstID
movf tBuf3,w
movwf tOutDly ;store w into time out delay preset
goto TstDone
movf tBuf1,w ;get address
sublw EEID ;subtract ID address
btfss STATUS,Z
goto TstTM
movf tBuf3,w
movwf idDly ;store w into ID delay preset
goto TstDone
movf tBuf1,w ;get address
sublw EETMSG ;subtract tail message counter address
btfss STATUS,Z
goto TstDone
movf tBuf3,w
movwf tMsgCtr ;store w into tail message counter
goto TstDone
call ClrTone
goto Loop
MsgCmd ;4x, 5x, 6x, 7x commands
movf tBuf1,w ;get command byte
andlw b'10111110' ;check for invalid values
btfss STATUS,Z ;
goto BadCmd ;only 40, 41 are valid now
;right after movf
movlw h'02' ;this value must equal address' high byte
movwf PCLATH ;ensure that computed goto will stay in range
swapf tBuf1,w ;swap command byte into w
andlw b'00000011' ;mask bits that make up remainder of command
addwf PCL,f ;add w to PCL
goto Cmd4x ;note that the 4 bit has been stripped so 4 = 0
goto Cmd5x
goto Cmd6x
goto Cmd7x
btfss tBuf1,0
goto MsgPlay ;40nn command
movf tBuf3,w ;get argument
movwf msgNum ;save into message number
call ISDRec ;get ready to record...
goto Loop
movf tBuf2,f ;check 2nd digit
btfss STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
goto BadCmd ;nope
btfsc tBuf3,0 ;lo bit clear?
goto Cmd50Odd ;nope, 51, 53, etc.
btfsc tBuf4,0 ;lo bit clear?
goto Cmd50ES ;nope, set (turn on)
bcf PORTB,CTL0 ;clear output (off/lo)
goto GoodCmd
bsf PORTB,CTL0 ;set output (on/hi)
goto GoodCmd
btfsc tBuf4,0 ;lo bit clear?
goto Cmd50OS ;nope, set (turn on)
bcf PORTB,CTL1 ;clear output (off/lo)
goto GoodCmd
bsf PORTB,CTL1 ;set output (on/hi)
goto GoodCmd
goto BadCmd
MsgPlay ;command 40
movf tBuf3,w ;get argument
movwf msgNum ;save into message number
call PlayMsg
goto Loop
movlw CW_NG
goto CmdRes
movlw CW_OK
movwf msgNum
call PlayMsg
call ClrTone
goto Loop
;Read EEPROM variables
movlw EEENAB
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM
btfss STATUS,Z ;Z is set if disabled
goto GDEnab
movlw SDISABL ;set state disabled
movwf state ;save state
goto GDHang
movlw SQUIET ;set state enabled
movwf state ;save state
bcf flags,initID ;
bcf flags,sentID ;
movlw EECONF ;get address of configuration byte
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM
movwf cfgFlag ;store w into config flag copy
movlw EEHANG ;get address of hang timer preset value
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM
movwf hangDly ;store w into hang time delay preset
movlw EETOUT ;get address of timeout timer preset value
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM
movwf tOutDly ;store w into timeout delay preset
movlw EEID ;get address of ID timer preset value
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM
movwf idDly ;store w into id timer delay preset
movlw EETMSG ;get address of tail message counter preset
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM
movwf tMsgCtr ;store w into tail message counter
btfss msgNum,4 ;is bit 4 clear?
goto StartCW ;yes, it's a CW message
btfsc cfgFlag,SIMPLEX ;in simplex mode?
goto MsgCWID ;no recorded messages, only CWID
btfss cfgFlag,NOISD ;is the ISD absent?
goto ISDPlay ;no, play audio message
bcf msgNum,4 ;convert ISD message to CW message
btfss msgNum,1 ;is it not an ID
goto MsgCWID ;it is an id message
btfsc msgNum,0 ;skip if timout message
return ;don't even try to play tail message
bsf msgNum,0 ;set the bits to make Timeout Message
bcf msgNum,1 ;set the bits to make Timeout Message
goto StartCW ;play the CW timeout message
bcf msgNum,0 ;make it message # 0
; Start sending a CW message
movlw b'00000011' ;mask out illegal values
andwf msgNum,f ;mask it...
call GetCwMsg ;lookup message
;message offset is now in W
movwf cwBuff ;save offset
call ReadEE ;read byte from EEPROM
movwf cwByte ;save byte in CW bitmap
movlw CWIWSP ;get startup delay
movwf cwTmr ;preset cw timer
bcf flags,beepOn ;make sure that beep is off
bsf flags,cwOn ;turn on CW sender
bsf PORTB,ptt ;turn on PTT...
;Play message from ISD1240; message address in msgNum
bcf PORTB,isdA0 ;reset message address bits
bcf PORTB,isdA1
btfsc msgNum,0 ;check bit 0
bsf PORTB,isdA0
btfsc msgNum,1 ;check bit 1
bsf PORTB,isdA1
btfss msgNum,ISDSIM ;check bit 2
goto PNorm ;not set
movf isdRTmr,f ;check to see if this is 0
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is it zero?
return ;yes, bail out.
incf isdRTmr,w ;check to see if it is 255
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is it now zero?
return ;yes, bail out.
decf isdRTmr,w ;get message duration - 100 ms
movwf isdTmr ;save into timer
goto PNow ;play the message
movf msgNum,w ;get message number
andlw b'00000011' ;mask out bits 2-7
addlw EEM0LEN ;add the base of the message lengths
movwf EEADR ;save address
call ReadEE ;read EEPROM, w will have message length after
movwf isdTmr ;preset message timer
btfsc STATUS,Z ;is the length 0
return ;yes, don't play.
bsf PORTB,ptt ;turn transmitter on
bsf PORTB,isdPlay ;start ISD1240 playback
;Record Message into ISD1240; message address in msgNum
bcf PORTB,isdA0 ;reset message address bits
bcf PORTB,isdA1
btfsc msgNum,0 ;check bit 0
bsf PORTB,isdA0
btfsc msgNum,1 ;check bit 1
bsf PORTB,isdA1
bsf msgNum,MSGREC ;set message record bit
; Read EEPROM byte
; address is supplied in W on call, data is returned in w
movwf EEADR ;EEADR = w
bsf STATUS,RP0 ;select bank 1
bsf EECON1,RD ;read EEPROM
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;select bank 0
movf EEDATA,w ;get EEDATA into w
; clear tone buffer and reset good digit counters
movlw TONES ;no... get number of command tones into w
movwf toneCnt ;preset number of command tones
clrf cmdCnt ;clear number of command bytes...
clrf tBuf1 ;clear command buffer bytes
clrf tBuf2
clrf tBuf3
; Program EEPROM byte
bsf STATUS,RP0 ;select bank 1
bcf INTCON,GIE ;disable interrupts
bsf EECON1,WREN ;enable EEPROM write
movlw h'55'
movwf EECON2 ;write 55
movlw h'AA'
movwf EECON2 ;write AA
bsf EECON1,WR ;start write
bcf EECON1,WREN ;disable write
btfsc EECON1,WR ;is write cycle complete?
goto EEPLoop ;wait for write to finish
bsf INTCON,GIE ;enable interrupts
;bcf STATUS,RP0 ;select bank 0
dw 'C'
dw 'O'
dw 'P'
dw 'Y'
dw 'R'
dw 'I'
dw 'G'
dw 'H'
dw 'T'
dw ' '
dw '('
dw 'C'
dw ')'
dw ' '
dw '1'
dw '9'
dw '9'
dw '6'
dw ','
dw ' '
dw 'J'
dw 'E'
dw 'F'
dw 'F'
dw 'R'
dw 'E'
dw 'Y'
dw ' '
dw 'B'
dw '.'
dw ' '
dw 'O'
dw 'T'
dw 'T'
dw 'E'
dw 'R'
dw 'S'
dw 'O'
dw 'N'
dw '.'
dw ' '
dw ' '
dw 'A'
dw 'L'
dw 'L'
dw ' '
dw 'C'
dw 'O'
dw 'M'
dw 'M'
dw 'E'
dw 'R'
dw 'C'
dw 'I'
dw 'A'
dw 'L'
dw ' '
dw 'R'
dw 'I'
dw 'G'
dw 'H'
dw 'T'
dw 'S'
dw ' '
dw 'R'
dw 'E'
dw 'S'
dw 'E'
dw 'R'
dw 'V'
dw 'E'
dw 'D'
dw ' '
dw 'B'
dw 'Y'
dw ' '
dw 'T'
dw 'H'
dw 'E'
dw ' '
dw 'A'
dw 'U'
dw 'T'
dw 'H'
dw 'O'
dw 'R'
dw '.'
org 0380h
; EEPROM Memory Map (@ 2100h)
; 00 enable/disable flag
; 01 configuration flag
; 02 hang timer preset
; 03 timeout timer preset
; 04 id timer preset
; 05 tail message count
; 06-08 CW OK ( 3 bytes)
; 09-0b CW NG ( 3 bytes)
; 0c-0e CW TO ( 3 bytes)
; 0f-1a CW id (12 bytes)
; 1b-37 empty (29 bytes)
; 38 isd message 0 length
; 39 isd message 1 length
; 3a isd message 2 length
; 3b isd message 3 length
; 3c-3f Password (4 bytes)
; Lookup values to load EEPROM addresses with at initialize time
; if EEADR > EEIEND, return 0.
movf EEADR,w ;get current address
btfss STATUS,C ;C is clear if result is negative
retlw 0 ;zero this location
movlw h'03' ;this subroutine is in the top 256 bytes
movwf PCLATH ;ensure that computed goto will stay in range
movf EEADR,w ;get EEPROM address into w
addwf PCL,f ;add w to PCL
retlw h'01' ;00 -- enable flag
retlw h'00' ;01 -- configuration flag
retlw h'32' ;02 -- hang timer preset, in tenths
retlw h'1e' ;03 -- timeout timer preset, in 1 seconds
retlw h'36' ;04 -- id timer preset, in 10 seconds
retlw h'00' ;05 -- tail message count
retlw h'0f' ;06 -- 'O' 1
retlw h'0d' ;07 -- 'K' 2
retlw h'ff' ;08 -- EOM 3
retlw h'05' ;09 -- 'N' 1
retlw h'0b' ;0a -- 'G' 2
retlw h'ff' ;0b -- EOM 3
retlw h'03' ;0c -- 'T' 1
retlw h'0f' ;0d -- 'O' 2
retlw h'ff' ;0e -- EOM 3
retlw h'09' ;0f -- 'D' 1
retlw h'02' ;10 -- 'E' 2
retlw h'00' ;11 -- space 3
retlw h'05' ;12 -- 'N' 4
retlw h'10' ;13 -- 'H' 5
retlw h'0a' ;14 -- 'R' 6
retlw h'15' ;15 -- 'C' 7
retlw h'29' ;16 -- '/' 8
retlw h'3c' ;17 -- '2' 9
retlw h'ff' ;18 -- EOM 10
retlw h'ff' ;19 -- EOM 11
retlw h'ff' ;1a -- EOM 12 can fit 6 letter id....
org 03E4h ;set this subroutine in last bit of memory
; Lookup EEPROM address of CW message based on index of message
movlw h'03' ;this subroutine is in the top 256 bytes
movwf PCLATH ;ensure that computed goto will stay in range
movf msgNum,w ;get msgNum into w
addwf PCL,f ;add w to PCL
retlw EECWID ;0 = ID message
retlw EECWTO ;1 = 1 timeout message
retlw EECWOK ;2 = 2 ok message
retlw EECWNG ;3 = 3 ng message
; DTMF to HEX mapping
; ___ ___ ___ ___
; | | | | |
; | 1 | 2 | 3 | A |
; |___|___|___|___|
; | | | | |
; | 4 | 5 | 6 | B |
; |___|___|___|___|
; | | | | |
; | 7 | 8 | 9 | C |
; |___|___|___|___|
; | | | | |
; |*/E| 0 |#/F| D |
; |___|___|___|___|
movlw h'03' ;this subroutine is in the top 256 bytes
movwf PCLATH ;ensure that computed goto will stay in range
movf tone,w ;get tone into w
addwf PCL,f ;add w to PCL
retlw 0d ;0 = D key
retlw 01 ;1 = 1 key
retlw 02 ;2 = 2 key
retlw 03 ;3 = 3 key
retlw 04 ;4 = 4 key
retlw 05 ;5 = 5 key
retlw 06 ;6 = 6 key
retlw 07 ;7 = 7 key
retlw 08 ;8 = 8 key
retlw 09 ;9 = 9 key
retlw 00 ;A = 0 key
retlw 0e ;B = * key (e)
retlw 0f ;C = # key (f)
retlw 0a ;D = A key
retlw 0b ;E = B key
retlw 0c ;F = C key
; MORSE CODE encoding...
; morse characters are encoded in a single byte, bitwise, LSB to MSB.
; 0 = dit, 1 = dah. the byte is shifted out to the right, until only
; a 1 remains. characters with more than 7 elements (error) cannot be sent.
; sk ...-.- 01101000 58
; ar .-.-. 00101010 2a
; bt -...- 00110001 31
; / -..-. 00101001 29
; 0 ----- 00111111 3f
; 1 .---- 00111110 3e
; 2 ..--- 00111100 3c
; 3 ...-- 00111000 38
; 4 ....- 00110000 30
; 5 ..... 00100000 20
; 6 -.... 00100001 21
; 7 --... 00100011 23
; 8 ---.. 00100111 27
; 9 ----. 00101111 2f
; a .- 00000110 06
; b -... 00010001 11
; c -.-. 00010101 15
; d -.. 00001001 09
; e . 00000010 02
; f ..-. 00010100 14
; g --. 00001011 0b
; h .... 00010000 10
; i .. 00000100 04
; j .--- 00011110 1e
; k -.- 00001101 0d
; l .-.. 00010010 12
; m -- 00000111 07
; n -. 00000101 05
; o --- 00001111 0f
; p .--. 00010110 16
; q --.- 00011011 1b
; r .-. 00001010 0a
; s ... 00001000 08
; t - 00000011 03
; u ..- 00001100 0c
; v ...- 00011000 18
; w .-- 00001110 0e
; x -..- 00011001 19
; y -.-- 00011101 1d
; z --.. 00010011 13
; space 00000000 00 space (special exception)
; EOM 11111111 ff end of message (special exception)
BSF EECON1, WREN ;Enable write
GOTO $-2
MOVLW 55h ;
MOVWF EECON2 ;Write 55h
;begin write, etc. here
Completely superfluous.16F628A datasheet recommends testing GIE when writing to EEPROM:
Code:BSF STATUS, RP0 ;Bank 1 BSF EECON1, WREN ;Enable write BCF INTCON, GIE ;Disable INTs. BTFSC INTCON,GIE ;See AN576 GOTO $-2 MOVLW 55h ; MOVWF EECON2 ;Write 55h MOVLW AAh ; MOVWF EECON2 ;Write AAh BSF EECON1,WR ;Set WR bit ;begin write, etc. here
Considering this is a controller, any interrupt (timer) already triggered while GIE is cleared, will continue to run. Just a thought, no harm adding the extra 2 lines of code.
Isn't that a song from Mary Poppins?Completely superfluous.
That's nearly as silly as waiting for an interrupt to finish.Isn't that a song from Mary Poppins?![]()