I think my 7812 Vreg died. I get 19.6 V on the input and less than 2V on the output. It did get pretty hot when I left a wire loose and the pumps kept running. (it was either a cathode or an anode wire from the battery backup-I can’t remember). That was a couple days ago, and the system died tonight. Plus, I must have a crossed connection because before the Vreg died, The PDMs were pulsing as if on the tide or wave mode, even though I ran 12V to the PDM’s Vt and to the PDM’s 12V. At this point, the battery backup was disconnected. I removed it to try and pinpoint the source of trouble.
The board with the dead Vreg also has the tidal timer and the first wave timer(which will not be used). I originally had a Vreg for each timer, but removed one Vreg. This is one of the very first boards I built and it wasn’t the prettiest thing on earth to begin with. After cutting into it here and there, it’s a little rough. I think the best thing is to get the parts for a new tidal timer and 12V supply. Then I can install 12V terminal points for the wave timer and battery backup and anything else that needs 12V.
I have a new wave timer that runs two pairs of pumps on another board, it seems to be rock solid.
This makes me want to scream, but better now than later. I have two questions-
Does this seem like a reasonable plan and will you guys please bear with me while I order parts and get a new tidal timer built?