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Project: Simplest shocker

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Electric Shock

I used a similar idea when i was at school all i used was any old transformer connected a battery to the output terminals and added a switch, managed to get about 10 people in the class to hold hands and the end of the line grabbed a wire each on the mains side, flicked the switch and hey presto everyone in the line got a belt of it.
I never used a relay just the battery a switch and the transformer.
the reley is to automate the swhitch pushing

Each thime the reley goes on/off an high voltage spike is produced
Re: Simplest shocker (up to 2000V)

[quote you can get a nice shock from a transformer used in reverse mode powerd by a 12 volts operated flyback transformer driver circuit, the same type of circuit i use to power flyback transformers
you can get chock from single coil, no need for transformer... just get the bigger coil with nice core, attach wires and leave bare ends, get each with one hand and touch 6V battery for example. if you didn't feel anything, that's ok, wait till you let go...
i was testing it on couple friends and then on my teacher some 20 years ago. the big coil we had in the lab had lot's of turns of thick enameled wire but had just air core so i filled it up with couple bolts to enhance joy... then she called principal and he called my mom, but it was so worth it...
so many people don't suspect anything when they see it's not a transformer
Most of my frends dont even know that a thigy named transformer exsists.

The thing that makes them so shure they wont get shocked is the batery,becuse they never got shocked from it.(Well in the hand,evryone has tryed the 9V on the touge)

My cicuit would probobly work whith a induction coil anyway.Whith some releys that have big coils have its own inductance big enugh to make quite a schock.

This induction coil method was the first way of producing high voltages back in the batery days.
man i know the perfect place for this circuit...
my friends front door just imagine the havock...bwahahaha
by the way im still in basic electronics and can't for the life of me figure out what the yellow box in the diagram for the shocker is. can anybody help me out? also did any of ya'll happen to catch e3. or tape it? just wondering...
...Transformer, bare copper wire, 1.5V battery.
Connect positive to one end of transformer (Mains side) other end to bare copper wire to -ve . Now hold the -ve end of the bare copper wire and cut the wire with a bare metal cutter.

how can I make my body to conduct this current? I mean, make myself the shocker? without having somone touch anything apparently, just myself.
Well this means you get the same shock as the guy you shock becuse curent will run trough you.

I seen this thing on afrotech (google it!) as "pika shoes" he put a 9V batery and some HV generating module to charge him up whith static.
I know of the afrotech project. It uses a negative ion generator.
How can you explain that I will not get shocked when using this method? only the guy touching me will suffer the shock. Maybe its because the (-) terminal of the device is grounded.
I cannot understand this.
Hypnotize said:
I know of the afrotech project. It uses a negative ion generator.
How can you explain that I will not get shocked when using this method? only the guy touching me will suffer the shock. Maybe its because the (-) terminal of the device is grounded.
I cannot understand this.

You will BOTH get shocked :)
Its like two guys hit togeter whith there heads.Both get a headace.This is whith this too the curent will need to run trugh you to your finger and to the proson,so bouth of you get a curent runing trough them and its the curent you feal
Yea this is a seping up switch mode pover suply.CFL driver i think just have a flyback oscilator and a transformer,becuse the output dosent need to the regulated
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