Yes, it's the original condenser. Not sure if it's the problem in points deteriation, but at 50 yrs old it may be time for a replacement. The wires from the loom were soldered onto the top, in the old fashioned way. The condenser is marked CEV 7365, which appears to be a common one for scooter and small bikes.
Not knowing the electrical values, I might as well look for one that fits the points plate. Turns out that automotive condensers are not in that style, but there are some for lawn mowers and outboard marine engines that appear close (Lawnboy, Techumseh, Sno-Jet/Yamaha, and Evinrude).
I'll hit the local shops tomorrow and see if I can find a close replacement, at least in size and mounting.
Not knowing the electrical values, I might as well look for one that fits the points plate. Turns out that automotive condensers are not in that style, but there are some for lawn mowers and outboard marine engines that appear close (Lawnboy, Techumseh, Sno-Jet/Yamaha, and Evinrude).
I'll hit the local shops tomorrow and see if I can find a close replacement, at least in size and mounting.